We believe that everything we have is from God. God calls us to give both our time and our finances. Through offerings, tithes (giving 10% of our income), and donations, we are able to continue to be a place of acceptance, hope and transformation in Jesus and make a difference in the community.

We are thankful to God for the wonderful generosity of all who call Adelaide West Uniting Church home.

Bank transfer

Go to your normal internet bank website or app to setup a regular scheduled transaction, make regular payments or make a one-off direct deposit.

BSB: 805-007    Account Number: 00703475    Marked/Reference: Offering

Account Name: Adelaide West Uniting Church

Envelopes / cash during services

There is a basket at the back of the auditorium for your offering.


UC Invest offer eGive for regular giving – find more information or download a form here.

Food & household items for the Community Share Table

Our Community Share Table (give what you can, take what you need) is located by the front door and available when the office is open and during services. Non-perishable food and household items can be placed in the black basket by the church library in the foyer.

Suggestions – tins (e.g. baked beans, spaghetti, tuna, vegetables, fruit, soup, casserole), pasta sauce, noodles, pasta, rice, coffee, tea, sugar, biscuits, crackes, spreads, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, toiletries, etc. Second hand goods are also welcome – kitchen items, toys, stationery, puzzles etc.to